Peter Arndt
Regensburg University, Germany
"Higherdimensional oppositions from proof-theory"
Rainhard Bengez
Technical University of Munich, Germany
"The logic of paradoxes: its root in legal practices and its evolutionary multi-valued character"

Juan Manuel Campos Benitez
Benemérita Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico
"The medieval octagon of opposition for sentences with quantified predicates"
Hilan Bensusan and
Alexandre Costa-Leite
University of Brasilia, Brazil
"Antilogics, counterlogics and the square of opposition"

Véronique Brière
University of Paris 10, France
"Image, sign and reality: unity and coherence of Aristotle's poetic object"

Walter Carnielli
UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil
"Groups, not squares: exorcizing a fetish"

Fares Chalabi
University of Paris 8 / ALBA, Lebanon
"Square of expressions"

Davide Ciucci,Didier Dubois,Henri Prade
IRIT, Toulouse, France
"Rough sets and the square of opposition"

Paul J.E. Dekker
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
"Heraclitean oppositions"
Maria Giulia Dondero
National Fund of Sientific Research, University of Liège, Belgium and Caroline Julien
University of Lorraine, France
"Between the finite and the infinite: what kind of negation?"
Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyńska & Piotr Leśniewski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland
"The square of ontological questions: a flexible erotetic cure for mathematosis?"

Stamatios Gerogiorgakis
University of Erfurt, Germany
"Mereological hexagons for the so-called paradox of Epimenides"

Dale Jacquette
University of Bern, Switzerland
"Logical contingency in William of Sherwood’s modal square of opposition"

Dany Jaspers
HUBrussels, KULeuven, Belgium
"Generalized asymmetry in the natural language lexicon: quantifiers, colour terms and number words"

Priyedarsh Jetli
University of Mumbai, India
"The hexadecagon of opposition applied to the definition of knowledge"

Chris Johns
American University of Beirut, Lebanon
"Leibniz and the Square: A Deontic Logic for the Vir Bonus"

Jacek Kornak
University of Helsinki, Finland
"Roland Barthes’s semiotic square of opposition"
John N. Martin
University of Cincinnati, USA
"Distributive term, truth and the Port Royal logic"

Andrés Bobenrieth Miserda
University of Valparaiso, Chile
"Contradiction, contraryness and inconsistency: elucidation and terminological proposal"

Alessio Moretti
Nice, France
"A morphogenetic map of the hybrid hexagons of the oppositional tetrahexahedron"

Ionel Narita
West University of Timisoara, Romania
"Using square of opposition to measure the justification level of our opinions"

Marcel Quarfood
University of Uppsala, Sweden
"Elucidating Kant’s antinomies with the hexagon of opposition"

Erika Ruggeri
University Bicocca, Italy
"Is there a logic? Phenomenology of a press review"

Fabien Schang
Archives Poincaré Nancy, France
"A dynamification of opposition"

Marcin Schröder
Akita Internacional University, Japan
"Algebraic representations of syllogistic and the square of opposition for the logic of information"
Fatemah Ayatollah Zadeh Shirazi
University of Tehran, Iran
"4-Tuples of transformation semigroups satisfying condition of square of opposition"

Fabio Elias Verdiani Tfouni
Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
"Interdiction and silence: a traditional reading in the square of opposition"
Luca Tranchini
University of Tubingen, Germany
"A square of opposition arising from the comparison of Gentzen's natural deduction and sequent calculus"

Miray Yazgan
University of Istanbul, Turkey
"Avaktavyam and oppositions"

Hedde Zeijlstra
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"Negative universals: understanding the nall problem"
Benmissi Zoubeida
Ecole Normale Supérieure, Constantine, Algeria
"Application of the quatern INRC to interpropositional logic in Piaget"

Richard Zuber
CNRS, Paris, France
"An application of dual quantifiers"